UK fantastic fiction author Nina Allan has won the Foreign Short Fiction category in the prestigious Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire, France’s equivalent of a Hugo or Arthur C. Clarke award. The prize was awarded for her collection of linked short stories The Silver Wind (Complications in the French translation), all revolving round the theme of time travel. Her translator Bernard Sigaud also won the Jacques Chambon Award for Translation for his French rendition of her work.

“To have Complications singled out in this way by the GPI jury is a huge honour, one that’s only just starting to sink in,” wrote Allan in her blog. “Every commendation and my own hugest possible thanks should go to my publishers at Editions Tristram, Sylvie Martigny and Jean-Hubert Gailliot, for having confidence in my book and in me as a writer, in bringing my work to French readers, in providing such amazing support and commitment to this project. This is every bit as much their prize as mine.”

The Silver Wind: Four Stories of Time Disrupted concerns Martin Newland, whose fascination with time leads to travels through the fourth dimension and wrestling with temporal paradoxes. Resemblances to Doctor Who are probably incidental, but Nina Allan and her publishers show just how important it can be to develop foreign sales and rights to their full, and how receptive some international markets are to foreign writing.


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