
From the University of Chicago Press:

… the October free e-book selection, Revel with a Cause: Liberal Satire in Postwar America.

Before there was Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, or Bill Maher, there were Mort Sahl, Stan Freberg, and Lenny Bruce—satirists from the left who waged war against the political ironies, contradictions, and hypocrisies of their times through wry and scabrous comedy. Revel with a Cause tells the story of the politically engaged comedy that flourished in the 1950s and ’60s.

Get your free e-book edition of Revel with a Cause during the month of October. Enjoy!


  1. You can of course also use them on readers with Adobe software such as the Nook’s (color and eInk), Sony’s, etc.

    But yes, AFAIK all of their offerings have been DRM’d PDFs (unless you unifect them).

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