science fictionIn honor of its fifth anniversary, is offering a free e-book of all the original fiction published on its site in one handy edition. All you have to do is register with the site (painless), and you can download fiction

It’s DRM-free (here’s looking at you, Joanna) and available in EPUB, Kindle and PDF. Fair warning: It’s a monster. The EPUB is the smallest file, at 68 MB.

Eyeballing the table of contents, it looks like you’ll be getting 150 stories and some amazing authors, including Gregory Benford, Elizabeth Bear, John Scalzi, Stephen Brust, Brandon Sanderson and more. Each story includes cover art.

Really, I can’t say enough about this. If you like short fiction, this will keep you in reading material for most of the summer.



  1. Too bad you have to ‘register’ for it. I already receive emails so I assumed I was ‘registered’ but when I tried to get this book, they told me I had to sign up for the website and give them more information. I am not interested enough in science fiction to do that. They have my email already; I don’t want to jump through more hoops. I wish there was a direct download link…

  2. The sign up process is very simple. The only information they need other than an email address (that is not checked) is your age (in a very large 18 and over chunk). They ask for a zip code but it is not required.

    After filling out you go right to the download page to chose which type of file.

    I am willing to admit to being over 18 to get a bunch of free works with an email address that does not work.

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