chriscatphone.jpgThe first TeleRead Podcast got off to a good start—stream or download the show here or on the TalkShoe site.

As already noted, the debut podcast “touched upon various stories including the Amazon/Penguin Random House contract deal, the recent change in Amazon Kindle Unlimited compensation terms, the Authors Guild fair contract initiative, the new Kindle Paperwhite, and more.”

The second show will happen June 28 at 2 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, probably with listener call-ins.

juli01Now—how to make the podcast even better? Share constructive feedback below with host Chris Meadows (first photo), Editor-in-Chief Juli Monroe (second)  and Senior Writer Joanna Cabot (third). You can cover anything from the podcast’s substance to the current and planned formats.

What impressed me about the first show wasn’t just the level of expertise and thoughtfulness shown by Chris and colleagues. Along the way, the podcast came across as a gathering of witty old friends. I’m looking forward to future follow-ups with Paul St John Mackintosh and Susan Lulgjuraj. And remember, the podcast will soon be all over the place via iTunes.

Big thanks to Chris, the real mastermind behind the show.

joannaCabot.jpgIn the future the podcast will be promoted through a link of the top of the redesigned TeleRead site. You’ll be able to call up past shows through an archive.

Oh, and by the way, if any graphics folks would like to pitch in with some related work for the podcast and perhaps other parts of TeleRead, they can email me at and link to their portfolios.

Any fee or fees would be minuscule (yes, we’re working to improve the financial side of this site)—but here’s a chance to show off your talents to other members of the TeleRead community.

Detail: The audio icon may not show up in the above post if you’re viewing it with an iPad or with certain other machines.

Related: TeleRead to launch live podcast; here’s how to take part.


  1. Thanks, Chris. Actually I’m more “fascinating” in text than on the air, but vanity may win out sooner or later. Meanwhile keep up the great work.

    As I write this, I am hearing the podcast a second time, and like it even more than I did the first time.

    I’m looking forward to the call-in version of the show. And then from there, you can branch out and invite guests of interest to listeners.

    Clueful people who hear the show will very much oblige.

    Well done! If there’s room at the top of the redesigned TeleRead, I’d like us to link not only to the archives but also to the current podcast.


  2. Thanks for the excellent suggestion, Nate. Perhaps Chris can ask TalkShoe if a direct link to the .mp3 is ok as long as we’re also publishing the service’s audio icon.

    Alas, the TOS might raise some questions. It says podcasters cannot “use or launch any automated system, ‘offline readers’, ‘page-scrape’, ‘robot”, ‘spider’, ‘deep-link’, or other automatic means or similar manual means to access, acquire, copy or monitor any portion of the Service including any content, or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Service or any content, to obtain or attempt to obtain any materials, documents or information through any means not purposely made available through the Service…”

    Would a simple direct link to the file be the wrong kind of circumvention? Not sure. Don’t you love TOSes?


    • Kind of weird that they say that since the podcast page itself offers various RSS feed and subscription options that you could use in “automated systems” like offline readers. And it will be available in iTunes after the next show, so you can subscribe that way too.

  3. The news is good. Chris checked with TalkShoe’s support folks, and apparently there’s no obstacle to direct linking. So I’ve revised the current post to include the direct links, and I’ll encourage Chris to do the same after the next segment appears. Among other things, he can experiment with different widgets, including one telling when the next show will go online. I hope members of the TeleRead community will call in to ask questions and offer comments. Let’s make this a dialog rather than just a broadcast.


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