The Impact of eBooks on the Fight Against Censorship (GoodeReader)
Following yet another living, breathing attempt at book banning–this time in Boise, Idaho, where school board members voted to remove Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian–a student-led petition resulted in a major donation from the book’s publisher.
On Their Death Bed, Physical Books Have Finally Become Sexy (NYT)
This rash of metabooks felt prescient in a way, so prescient as to be slightly depressing in fact, because they seemed such a clear sign of physical books’ imminent death.
New Copyright Law in Japan Expands the Publishing Right to Include eBooks (The Digital Reader)
While at first glance it would appear that ebooks are only now being included under Japanese copyright law, that is not quite what is happening here. The content had always been copyrighted, but until now publishers lacked an explicit legal right to take action concerning the books they have under contract.
Suffering Fools (JA Konrath)
You shouldn’t Google yourself, or read your reviews, or seek out what others are saying about you, good or bad. None of it matters. The only people that matter are those in your inner circle. The rest of the world has no power over you unless you allow it.
Kindle Daily Deals: Snapshot (and others)