authors unitedThe Global eBook Market Valued at 14.5 Billion (GoodeReader)
The global e-Book market has been valued at $14.5 billion dollars and is expected to reach more than $22 billion by 2017. These figures are courtesy of Kobo who published their inaugural Book Report.

Canadian Law Enforcement Agency Dropping Cases Rather Than Deal With New Warrant Requirements For ISP Subscriber Info (Techdirt)
A funny thing happens when courts start requiring more information from law enforcement: law enforcers suddenly seem less interested in zealously enforcing the law.

Douglas Preston on Amazon, Authors United and What’s Next (PW)
Throughout the months-long dispute between Amazon and Hachette over e-book sales terms, Douglas Preston was one of the most outspoken authors on the matter.

73% of Kids Would Read More if They Could Find Books They liked (GalleyCat)
A whopping 73 percent of kids report the they would read more if they could find more books that they liked, according to a new report by Scholastic.

Kindle Daily Deal: A Prisoner of Birth (and others)


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