What’s So Great About Young Writers? (NYT)
I have an interest in the nurturing of “late blooming” writers. I have long grumbled about the conflation of the words “young” and “emerging,” and particularly about the many prizes set aside for writers in their early careers below whatever cutoff has been picked, usually 35 or 40.
How Much Time is Enough for Reading? (Book Riot)
The other day I was waiting for the bus and I found myself doing what I call “booktime math”: checking the transit schedule and quickly calculating do I have enough time to start reading? Or should I just goof around on Twitter?
Where are all the Educational Video Games for Adults? (Re/Code)
Educational games are estimated to be an $8.4 billion market in the U.S. And at a high level, the industry seems to agree that educational titles are effectively complementing traditional classroom and book learnin’.
Inside the Kobo Glo HD (Ink, Bits & Pixels)
Late last night I had a fortunate accident with my review unit. I dropped it, and the back popped off.
Kindle Daily Deal: The Watchman (and others)