Save 1,100 vintage science fiction books from destruction! (i09)publishing
Onondaga Public Library in Syracuse, New York, has an enormous collection of roughly 1,100 vintage books in science fiction, mystery and “other genres.” But apparently, there isn’t enough interest to keep them in circulation. So they’re asking people to propose what should be done with them.
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Neil Gaiman possible breaks book signing world record, doesn’t recommend it (Tor blog)
Not content with a New York Times chart-topping novel in The Ocean At The End Of The Lane, author Neil Gaiman might also have scooped a world record for the number of books signed in a single sitting—though it’s not an accolade he particularly wants.
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Interview: Russell Blake on self-publishing and writing for 15 hours a day (Real Writers Guide)
The fact that Russell Blake has 21 novels to his name may not be unusual but, when you consider those tomes have all been released over 24 months, that figure becomes, well, downright strange. Blake achieves an average of one book every five weeks by writing for 15 hours a day, seven days a week. “It takes me about 150 hours or so to turn a first draft, 100 for a second and 60 for a third,” he told me.
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NYT to launch immersive digital magazine and new food news product (paidContent)
In a letter to the newsroom Friday, New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson announced that the company is launching a new, “immersive digital magazine experience,” as well as “a new dining news product” and a “new ideas task force” that will “think up and propose new ways to expand our news offerings digitally.” In addition, the NYT’s upcoming lower-priced digital product will be called “Need to Know” and is getting its own editor.
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5 Ways to Fix Book Publishing (The Daily Beast)
Is there any way to reverse the industry’s demise? Anis Shivani says the system dominated by executives, publicists, and agents needs to be torn down—to give control to readers.
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Kindle Daily Deals: “Deenie” by Judy Blume (and 3 others)


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