Kindle Daily Deal: Spider Woman’s Daughter (and others)

HarperCollins Acquisition of Harlequin and What it Means for Readers (Dear Author)

I saw a number of people speculate that the sale of Harlequin had to do with Harlequin being in trouble financially and while Harlequin has seen decreasing profits in the recent years, it was still a healthy and profitable division of Torstar.

The Novel is Dead (and This Time it’s for Real) (The Guardian)

Literary fiction used to be central to the culture. No more: in the digital age, not only is the physical book in decline, but the very idea of ‘difficult’ reading is being challenged. The future of the serious novel, argues Will Self, is as a specialised interest.

Why User Experience and Ecosystem will Rule the Cloud (GigaOM)

It’s easy enough to start offering a cloud platform, but doing so successfully is a lot more difficult. James Urquhart explains how Amazon Web Services, Cloud Foundry and others are capitalizing on great user experiences and great ecosystems.

The Passion Factor for Authors (Author U)

I’m lucky. I’m passionate about what I do when working with authors and their books and about the books that I write. When authors attend my various Publishing and Speaking Salons, they know what they are writing or want to speak about. They come with enthusiasm … and passion. And many show up a bit overwhelmed with the whole process.


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