ipad airHands-On Review of the iPad Air (GoodeReader)
The 5th generation Apple iPad was released today in over 72 different countries and if you could take waiting in line for an hour, many happy customers were able to get their hands on one.

When Will iOS and OSX Finally Meet, or Have They Already? (GigaOM)
With the redesign of iOS 7, release of OS X Mavericks, and updated versions of the iWork and iLife apps, Apple continues to blur the lines on what is a desktop feature and what is a mobile feature.


Kobo Glo Hacked (Again)—Now Runs Android (The Digital Reader)
Kobo doesn’t have a large hacking community to support it but what the hackers lack in mass they more than make up for in inventiveness.One such hacker is reporting that they have Android running on his Kobo Glo.

Free Children’s Books with Those Fries: Are Digital Books the Literary Equivalent of Junk Food? (Digital Book World)
Children are used to getting a free plastic toy in their McDonald’s Happy Meal. This month, however, kids will get free books along with their burgers and fries.

Kindle Daily Deals: Pale Horse Coming (and 4 more)


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