‘Ringleader’ says Apple did not raise e-books prices (Reuters)Weekend Roundup
An Apple Inc executive at the center of an antitrust lawsuit by the U.S. government said on Thursday the company “didn’t care” what price publishers set for e-books.

Steve Jobs originally didn’t want to enter the e-book market (iDownloadBlog)
In a dose of irony that shouldn’t be lost on anyone and at a time when Apple’s Eddy Cue is being hauled before the U.S. Department of Justice in Manahattan, Apple’s Senior Vice President of Internet Software and Services has admitted that Apple co-founder and then CEO Steve Jobs didn’t even want to sell e-books in the first place.

Can you inherit an e-book? (Christian Science Monitor)
In settling the estate of my Aunt Eunice, who died recently at 94, her nieces and nephews gathered at her house a few months ago to divide her things, including her personal library.

Amazon giving away one free Kindle e-book daily in India (Good e-Reader)
Amazon rolled out their hardware and App Store in India last week. To celebrate the launch, Amazon is giving away one free eBook a day until June 26th.

Kindle Daily Deals:  Michael Connelly’s “Lincoln Lawyer” legal thrillers (and 3 others)


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