Postman,1992Each day, TeleRead sends out e-mails of the freshest posts—reaching everyone from self-publishers to people at Big Five houses.

Alas, the current Feedburner e-mail system offers less than stellar formatting, especially as seen on iPads and iPhones.

So later this week we’ll switch to the MailChimp service, in hopes of providing better-looking e-mails. If that doesn’t work, we’ll move on from there. The MailChimp subscription form in our right sidebar on the home page may not work, in which case you can e-mail me at and use MailChimp in the subject line. I’ve already moved over the current Feedburner e-mail subscribers.

Meanwhile here’s a tip if you’re having trouble reading our e-mails right now. Just click on the RSS icon in the upper right corner or try this link. Chance are you’ll see our RSS feed rendered in imperfect but still readable HTML fit for Safari, Chrome or other popular browsers.

Image credit: Here.



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