On his blog, developer Marco Arment posts a note about the latest version, 2.3, of his save-webpages-for-later reader Instapaper, which has gained an interesting new feature: it knows when it’s dark out and can adjust its reading theme accordingly.

How it does this is pretty clever: it uses the device’s location and the local sunset time to figure out whether it’s night where you are. (The feature can be turned off for people who prefer to toggle it manually.)

There are a number of other improvements to the app as well—mostly interface and usability tweaks, like adding Kindle-inspired amount-read indicators, but also adding a clever new way to sync pages to the app in Mobile Safari: adding an “i" at the front of the URL so it starts with the custom prefix “ihttp://”. As with other custom prefixes such as “ereader://”, this tells iOS to call a specific program to handle the site’s content.

Like many other great iOS programs, Instapaper just keeps getting better.

(Found via Wired.)


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