[English text in a screenshot of the Hanlin V8]

After reading Teleread’s report on the Hanlin Ebook V8, Blackmask’s very own David Moynihan got an itch and found out how these babies are going to be priced. The V8 is going to cost US$ 299, and the V2 (programmable) US$349. The V2 is planned to be released in May next year.

That’s still a little pricey for my taste, but at least we’ve got some competion on our hands between novel sized, eInk-using, low power consumption ebook devices.

As Ranum pointed out in the comments section of our previous report, the Chinese screenshot of the Hanlin V8 has now been replaced by an English one, suggesting the more that the manufacturer is eyeing the Western market. Eye away!, I say.


  1. I think the Sweet Spot for a dedicated ebook reader is $99.95.

    Yes, I know what the iPod nano goes for — but only Apple could get away with a higher price. Everyone else has to scramble from the bottom.

  2. I agree with the sweet spot comment, but would like to add to it: 100 bucks gets you a device; 25 gets you a book. Buyers will have to decide for themselves which they want. If the device is going to be the book, either its price has to be lower, or ebooks will have to sell for much less than they currently do.

    Undoubtedly we are not far removed from this point, at least in theory. MP3 players are selling for little more than the memory sticks they’re based on. I can see something similar happening with ebook readers.

  3. >>>$100 might get you a black-and-white machine. a used one.

    I carry more computing power in my shirt pocket than was used by the Command Module and LEM in the 1969 Moon landing. And it is far less costly.

    Things change.

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