
From the press release:

Amazon.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) today announced that the popular Kindle Digital Text Platform (DTP) is extending the 70 percent royalty option to include books sold to Canadian customers. This royalty option is available for books sold to Canadian customers from the Kindle Store for Kindle, Kindle 3G, Kindle DX, or one of the Kindle apps for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, BlackBerry, PC, Mac, Windows Phones and Android-based devices. Kindle Digital Text Platform is also changing its name to Kindle Direct Publishing.

“We’ve also changed the name of our service from Kindle Digital Text Platform to Kindle Direct Publishing, which we think highlights its mission: offering authors and publishers a fast and easy service to sell books on Kindle worldwide.”

Authors and publishers around the world can receive a 70 percent royalty, net of delivery costs, on the sale of their books to Canadian customers. For more information about the terms, visit http://kdp.amazon.com.

Additionally, Amazon announced a name change for the service previously known as Kindle Digital Text Platform, or DTP. This popular Kindle self-publishing platform will be known as Kindle Direct Publishing. All former DTP websites will direct rights holders to the new Kindle Direct Publishing homepage: http://kdp.amazon.com.


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