Publisher Bryce Milligan of Wings Press, one of the Independent Publishers Group publishers being hit hard by Amazon’s e-book delisting, has posted an op-ed on Publishing Perspectives looking at the philanthropic giving that Amazon has been doing since 2009. (Milligan previously wrote the piece about "Amazon’s Assault on Intellectual Freedom" reposted here by Rich Adin.)

Milligan calls Amazon’s charity program a potential “Trojan horse,” pointing out that Amazon does not exactly have a history of philanthropy, there is no specific application process, and its qualifications include being able to work with Amazon toward the organization’s goals including public outreach. He suggests that the donations might have a double intent of silencing organizations that might otherwise be some of Amazon’s most vociferous critics.

Far be it from me to suggest that honorable organizations like PEN American Center or CLMP or Poets & Writers or AWP have been “bought off.” I’m sure that they have not! I am equally certain that many of them are beginning to wonder about the motivation behind the grants — and about the ultimate price to be paid for having accepted them.

Of course, we can’t forget that Milligan is not exactly an impartial observer. Indeed, we literally can’t forget that, because most of the editorial is actually devoted to railing against Amazon’s behavior toward Wings Press and the other IPG publishers. It doesn’t exactly help Milligan sell his conspiracy theory.


  1. Far be it from me to suggest that honorable organizations like PEN American Center or CLMP or Poets & Writers or AWP have been “bought off”, I’ll just imply it in the incredibly subtle manner of conspiracy theorists everywhere instead!

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