index.jpgVery cute article in Sunday’s Financial Times by the editor of Monocle.

As you close the gap between your patch of sun and theirs, the scene becomes even more outlandish, as you can now see there are props involved and they’ve changed their positions twice in the past two minutes. The lady is sporting a broad-brimmed visor and has created a shelter with a towel over her head. She also has her knees up; they too are covered with a towel. The only bits of her you can see are splayed fingers flaring out from atop her knees. What the hell is she doing?

Her boyfriend/fiancé/husband is lying next to her on his side and is cradling something (also in a towel). He, too, has a big brimmed hat on and seems to be doing his best to avoid the sun. Is he looking after the baby? If he is, it’s so small (and flat) that it really ought to be in an incubator at a world-renowned children’s hospital.

It’s not until you almost brush past them that all is revealed and the human pretzel shapes are explained. There’s nothing particularly wrong with this young couple other than the fact they chose the wrong media format to venture down to the beach with – they’re trying to read iPads

There’s more. Thanks to BookofJoe for the heads up.


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