Moderator: Melany Klinck, a freelance writer, is seeking a couple of avid e-readers to feature in an article she’s writing for a national hotel magazine—I’ll repro her request below. – D.R.

imageIf you would like be willing to answer a few questions about your e-reading experience, you will get a free issue of the magazine for your troubles. 

1. When or where do you use e-books most?

2. What kind of reading are you most likely to do using e-books (for example, business, pleasure, news)? Why?

3. What do you like best about e-books? What do you like least?

4. If you also download audiobooks, do you prefer audio or electronic books?  Why?

Please direct your responses to me no later than Friday, March 28th.  If your experiences seem to fit the article’s parameters, I’ll contact you directly to confirm your participation.

The obvious: Also feel free to comment here on the above issues, although you should e-mail Melany with your contact information if you want her to consider you for the article.

Related: TeleRead reading survey: F, award-winning lit, thrillers, classics among your faves—and fiction in general.


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