the_sagan_diary.jpg John Scalzi and his publisher are celebrating the release of Scalzi’s new science fiction novel The Sagan Diary by publishing an audio book version of same at the author’s weblog. If you like what you hear, and wish to show your appreciation, you can buy the dead trees version, or send money to one of Scalzi’s favourite charities, Reading is Fundamental.

The book was read entirely by (reportedly gorgeous) women — the narrator is female –, which reminds me that Cory Doctorow has had his short story Print Crime read recently by two science fiction podcasts, Beam Me Up and Escapepod.

Not interested in sci-fi? Check out Robert Nagle’s excellent 2006 Cheap man’s guide to audiobooks & literary podcasts, which does contain a number of links to sci-fi publications, but also to those in other (un)genres.


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