Audiobook and E-Book Expo: Exploring Digital Books and Content will be held Friday, October 29 in East Peoria, Illinois.

It will “explore where the library field has been and where it is going in the area of audiobooks for everyone–adults, children, the visually impaired, the learning disabled, and more. Experts will share the latest in web-based ebook management systems, handheld players, and collaborative projects.

“Keynote speakers include: Tom Peters of TAP Information Services, Steve Potash, CEO of Overdrive, Inc., Jenny Levine of the Shifted Librarian and the Suburban Library System, and Judy Dixon from NLS. Other speakers include Jane Chamberlain, Adult Services Manager at the Bloomington Public Library, Sharon Ruda, Illinois State Library Talking Book and Braille Services, and Diana Sussman of Southern Illinois Talking Book Center. There will also be time for exhibits and ideas!”

Sponsors are The Alliance Library System and the Mid-Illinois Talking Book Center. Cost is $25. For more details, reach Lori Bell, 1-800-426-0709, ext. 2128.


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