Screen shot 2010-04-25 at 11.29.03 AM.pngLast November we reported on a new audiobook romance publisher – AudioLark which was was about to get started.

Now i’ve got an email from Jennifer Feddersen telling me that they are up and running with 10 titles for sale and they are adding 2 to 3 new romance audiobooks per week. Jennifer says that their production schedule is booked for the next 6 months and that they have agreements in place with The Wild Rose Press and Changeling Press, as well as contracts directly with authors.

They also seem to have a pretty generous affiliate program, which pays 30% of cover price, up to $3.90 per book.

Take a look here. I note that their prices are $5.99, $7.99 or $12.99.


  1. Hello: I’m an author with books published in several fiction genres. I have several fiction cozy. I have two romance/suspense novels which may intrest you and would like to know more about what your requirements are and how to submit. I am interested in the audio only, not HC or paperback and would like to know more about you 🙂

    Thank you,
    Jackie Griffey

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