images.jpgSony Australia has asked our contributor, journalist Jason Davis, to conduct a poll at his Book Bee site. As Jason says:

Sony Australia is holding an eReading industry forum in Sydney on September 16 to discuss the future of ebooks in Australia.
And you are invited! Well, in the sense that Sony wants me to get your input. This is your chance. What do you currently like about the user experience of ebooks, what to you hate? What do you think of DRM? What do you see as the future of eReading in Australia? What should happen next?

I told them I would gather the opinions of Australia’s ebook users, so if you have something to say, and want to influence a major tech player in the development of the local ebooks industry (who doesn’t), fill in this form by Sept 16, when I’ll send the results to Sony. Fill out as much or little of the questionnaire as you like and it will get to the people who can influence how ebooks evolve in Oz. Yes, all answers will be collated and sent to Sony (sans cursewords). If you can’t see it below, you can also get to it here.

You can participate at Jason’s site here.


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