95006515B&N is offering specially priced Nook books by Black American authors for February.

Books include: Rebecca Skloot‘s The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lack; The Last Days of Ptolemy Gray by Walter Mosley; A Memoir of My Extraordinary, Ordinary Family and Me by Condoleezza Rice; and Henry’s Freedom Box: A True Story from the Underground Railroad by Ellen Levine.

Thanks to EbookNewser for the heads up.


  1. I’m guessing the point of the specials is stories about the Black American experience, which is usually the theme of Black History Month events… which tends to rule out a lot of material by Black authors (like most science fiction and fantasy, though apparently only because of the lack of seriousness generally paid to such stories by the mainstream), and by definition allow material by non-Black authors if it is significant to the Black experience. Nothing wrong with that, really… just so we’re clear on what the specials are about.

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