Here, from Wired News. Excerpt:

Enhanced podcasts can be viewed in iTunes and on the color iPod and the nano (the audio will play on earlier iPods, but they won’t display images, of course). Video requires a brand new iPod, but most video clips will appear in the iTunes Video menu, and can be played in iTunes and added to any playlist.

Yet another goody in Wired News: Shop ‘Til They Lock. You might want to buy your tech toys now–for example, TV tuner cards with recording capabilities–before the makers hobble ’em with Draconian copyright controls. But before you act, read a related warning in Ars Technia. Also see David Berlind‘s thoughts on the anti-consumer nature of today’s DRM–very relevant to e-books as well.

And speaking of iPods and whatever: Library audio tours, in LibrarianInBlack.


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