Blurb bookSo what are the options for turning blogs into p-books? Tamas has just pointed to the Blurb site, which I’d mentioned earlier in a different context, along with Lulu. Any other options of interest, and why? Blurb works with Blogger,, TypePad, and blogs (independently hosted WordPress, too?).

Related—for WordPress fans: Top 30 WordPress Plug-ins in Blogosphere, via Digg. Check out No Ping Wait, which so far seems to be working with the TeleBlog’s WP 2.0.9.

Housekeeping: I’m out of time and will wait until later this week to do my list of ways the e-book industry can address Charles Stross’s concerns.


  1. I don’t know whether it’s been mentioned here before, but there exists a piece of free software that lets you turn your LiveJournal entries into a PDF file that can be distributed as an e-book or converted into a print-on-demand book. I haven’t actually used it, so I don’t know whether it’s any good. It’s gotten a write-up in a couple of news services, though.


  2. There are numerous different ways to promote ebooks of millions. If one of your goals is to go to a millionaire or make a six figure income on the internet then consider launching manuscripts online by quantity. Most people just set a goal to make million dollars over the Internet and it’s good but most plans do not exist to make this kind to earn income because the money is there only purpose.

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