“D’arr, Matey. I was accused of being a pirate recently. I committed the heinous crime of pointing out the names of Usenet newsgroups where I occasionally download home-scanned editions of books I already own in paper form. Personally, I didn’t see this as a transgression. As I said, I only download the ebook versions of books I already own — with an occassional exception I’ll get to in a moment–and format shifting is a legally protected activity, at least for now. I prefer to read ebooks over paper and there’s no substantive difference between reading ebook versions of paper books I own that I downloaded off the net or scanning them in myself from my own paper copies.” – Jeff Kirvin in Writing on Your Palm.

The TeleRead take: Like it or not, this ‘tude will be the rule as e-books catch on. Time for a library-style business model through which publishers could face realitieis?

(Item via Pocket PC eBooks Watch.)


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