roadworksignsmall Yes, we’re experimenting with a new WordPress theme. Bear with us. We know the type is too small, and we may also adjust colors. Keep the feedback coming. Meanwhile thanks to Jon Noring for his ongoing CSS work and for serving as a second part of eyes! – DR

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  1. The font size is OK, although I know some prefer a larger type. Otherwise it looks really good – in fact I might even redo our office’s rather mediocre intranet pages in a similar style. I like the way everything is easy to find.

  2. It’s an improvement. The biggest thing to do is not to artificially constrain the site’s width. My 21-inch non-widescreen monitor is about 16 inches wide, and this design trims the dead space from almost four inches on each side of the content to half that. Percentages instead of absolute pixel widths could eliminate the dead space even on widescreens. The Recent Comments sidebar is in a more useful form. One minor flaw I note is that if the “Posted in” footer in the articles is overlong it gets cut off.

  3. The scrolling bug with the Safari browser seems to be fixed, and joy of joys, the comment box no longer is overlaid with the right-hand sidebar.

    I don’t care about the font size; I adjust that with the browser or OS.

    Good work!

  4. Hmm, I see that if I do blow up the font size, the button bar at the top (Home, Contacts… etc.) gets wrapped and then hidden by the article body. Might make it fixed-size text.

    The top title also wraps into obscurity; apparently the areas devoted to these things are fixed-size, in terms of height.

  5. I am feeling quite uncomfortable with the ‘cross-hair’ mouse cursor.
    Also, the top-menu is wrapping around on my 1024 screen and obscuring the post date. Perhaps a ‘clear:both;’ in the CSS will fix this.

    On the whole David, I like what we’re getting.

  6. Thanks for the feedback, Mike. gosh, I thought we’d gotten rid of the cross-hair mouse cursor. What kind of a browser are you using? And care to clear your cache and try it again? I hated the original cursor arrangement and really would like to make sure that no one suffers it. Meanwhile I’ll welcome others’ thoughts on the clear:both command and any other fixes for the wrap-around. Maybe a slightly smaller font?


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