British Film Institute launches searchable archive of ancient film clips

British Film Institute launches searchable archive of ancient film clips

Screen Shot 2011 10 17 at 10 29 57 AMFrom Wired UK:

The British Film Institute has launched a free catalogue of digitised film clips from its extensive library, at a website called Search Your Film Archives.

This massive repository of grainy black-and-white clips, candid home movies, archival footage from long-dead documentaries and snippets from ancient films can be flicked through by the general public.


Alongside the Search Your Film Archives, SHUK has created the Master Film Store. This monster dry fridge in Warwickshire preserves film prints and negatives at optimum conditions and safe from decay and fire.

Direct to Search Your Film Archives

Read the Complete Wired UK Article

See Also: “Screen Heritage UK launches”

See Also: “Welcome to BFI beta”

See Also: UK: “BFI’s New £12m Film Storage Facility to Preserve Britain’s Reel History”

Via INFOdocket


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