American Pie album coverYou’ll recall my negative ‘tude toward the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for reasons beyond the traffic jams it’s worsened on Duke Street here in Alexandria, VA. Oh, but the USPTO is hardly the ultimate villain. It’s the vain, oft-corrupt politicians across Potomac River from me. Via Jordan Cooper‘s Weblog, now, comes word of a trademark-related bill that would wreak havoc on fair use. According to the Nader-founded Public Citizen:

For instance, when Don McLean [link added] sang about driving his Chevy to the levee and finding the levee dry, the songwriter could have been sued for trademark dilution under the current language of the bill. Or when Walter Mondale criticized Gary Hart during the 1984 primaries by using Wendy’s slogan, “Where’s the beef,” the remarks could be considered a trademark violation under the bill as passed by the House. According to the groups, this measure would severely limit small business owners, artists, photographers, illustrators and consumers from mentioning or using references to companies’ trademarks.


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