“Author James Michener liked to write large books, he said, because once, when standing in a store that was being robbed, he was shot in the posterior, and the bullet passed through his back pocket and then lodged on page 450 of his novel. Ebooks can’t do that. But here are some beneficial features of electronic publications that make ebooks an invaluable supplement to the paper-based books we know and love.” – 26 Benefits of Ebooks, in the Publishers Cafe blog.

The TeleRead take: One of my favorites on the list is #26, the potential of e-books to change the blockbuster mentality. Meanwhile here are the first five reasons:

1. Ebooks promote reading. People are spending more time in front of screens and less time in front of printed books.

2. Ebooks, faster to produce than paper books, allow readers to read books about current issues and events.

3. Ebooks are easily updateable, for correcting errors and adding information.

4. Ebooks are searchable. Quickly you can find anything inside the book. Ebooks are globally searchable: you can find information in many ebooks.

5. Ebooks are portable. You can carry an entire library on one DVD.

For some great DVD possibilities, by the way, check out the 12,000-disc offerings of Blackmask. I bought a DVD as an insurance against modem problems later this year when I’m out of town.


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