3078-v1-150x.JPGAccording to Publisher’s Weekly Comixology is setting up a beta program for authoring tools:

David Steinberger, CEO of Comixology, said preparing comics for the Guided View technology is a “labor intensive” process that has caused a backlog. While Comixology can convert up to about 200 new comics a week for delivery through the Comixology app, Steinberger said demand to get content in the channel has been overwhelming. By opening access to the Comixology authoring tools, Steinberger said he will speed up the process of getting comics into the Comixology digital marketplace. Once the beta program is complete, Steinberger said he hopes to launch the early adopters program as a suite of online tools open to anyone by early next year. Creators and publishers can sign up for the Beta program here.

“Creating opportunities for publishers and independent creators is a major focus for us,” Steinberger said. “We created these tools for ourselves—they are the actual tools we use at comiXology when creating Guided View—and realized the great opportunity for anyone to use them. The tools will give publishers and creators an equal opportunity for visibility, while creating more diverse content for our community.”

More info in the article. You can find the beta program here.


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