Ebooks are consistently bundled under content in marketing circles, through the same skewed categorization that dubs advertisers as “publishers.” And of course, this means that any eager self-publisher busy promoting their wares is engaged in content marketing. Hence the infographic below.

Courtesy of BlogMost, a tutorials, tips and tricks site, this breakdown of “Smart Ways To Combine Content Marketing With SEO” gives one of the best guides to different venues for various types of content that I know. And there is also a big cluster of venues for “Ebook Submissions” that includes many unknown to me, as well as a few more grouped around “PDF Submissions.” For instance, The eBook Directory was a new one on me.  So was EBookJungle. As well of course as more familiar ones like Memoware or Google Books. I can’t vouch for the quality of these, but I do know that I will be checking at least some of them often in future.

So there you go, enjoy and may it prove useful to you. It’s certainly pretty enough.

content marketing



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