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From the Costa Rica Star:

Thanks to an initiative by the National Printing Office, public school students in Costa Rica will soon be able to access all their mandatory reading assignments online. The project named ‘Editorial Digital’ was presented to the government weeks ago, and according to Jarmon Noguera Gonzalez of La Prensa Libre, the initiative also aims to foster good reading habits among citizens of Costa Rica.

The project started with four main categories of literature in its digital library:

  1. Laws and judicial matters
  2. Classic literature
  3. Child and adolescent literature
  4. Literature from Costa Rica


Among some of the titles already on the shelves are The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint Exupery, Tales from My Aunt Panchita by Carmen Lyra, War and Peace by Count Lev Nikolayevitch Tolstoy, The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, and more.


This project also intends to serve as a publishing platform for great writers in Costa Rica who do not have the resources to access traditional publishers. In the future, an editorial council will convene to decide on the content to be published.

Read the Complete Article

Learn More About ‘Editorial Digital’ (in Spanish)

(Via LJ INFOdocket.)


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