You can find the rest of the post at E is for Book:

So last week I announced that I converted my picture book app, LULA’S BREW, into a .pdf for download to The Illustrated Section and various electronic devices… and a Nook color picture book. I got you started on preparing your files for the process. Here’s the rest… 

The latest buzz is that Adobe InDesign 5 (CS5) can convert files to .epub. VonLogan’s tutorial will walk you through this step-by-step, so you’ll need to download it from Will Terry’s blog. My first glitch was that I only have ID4 (CS4), but turns out, it can do it too. The only difference is, when I went to save, rather than “save as .epub,” it said “Export Book for Digital Editions” (wait for it = .epub). It did crash the program, but it gave me the file I needed. So, okay.

The trick with picture books is you have to create a new document in ID for every page, which is what forces page turns in what would otherwise be flowing text for a typical .epub file. Those documents can then be converted into an .epub “book.” However, there is some coding in those files that needs to be tweaked to get the images to show up full-screen on a Nook.


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