That’s according to an article in Paid Content. Here’s part of their chart. Go over to the site to see the full coverage.

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  1. “Digital editions of newspapers: subscriptions continue to rise”

    Do they ? Really ? On this chart I see that only 11 out of 25 rose since March 2010. That is 44%. 56% fell. And that despite that some of them gained simply from consolidation.

    So the story seems to be a very mixed one. In this phase of device development where sales of iPads, tablets, Kindles is exploding … circulation of newspaper electronics versions is not keeping pace, or anything close to it.

    I suggest this represents the result of a deeply flawed business, pricing and marketing model.

    And at the risk of upsetting Paul and Co. I personally find it very disappointing to find so many articles appearing on this site that nothing more than links to the source. This is no better than an RSS feed and I can do that myself. Is Teleread planning on converting to a virtual RSS feed ?

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