LifeDriveQuick! What’s missing from a PalmOne page ballyooing the new LifeDrive mobile manager, aka PDA, with a 320-by-480-res screen and 4G hard drive?

Yep. E-book mentions. If you go to the spec page, you will find references to both Adobe Reader and eReader. But not where it counts. Thanks to Blackmask for spotting this inspiring example of the marketing prowess of the e-book business. If e-book publishers were smart, they’d have PalmOne loading the machine with free samples–for example, the first installments of series. Maybe this is happening. But if so, it’s a well-concealed secret.

Likewise, I don’t see e-books mentioned on the LifeDrive’s Software Showcase page or in Brighthand‘s mostly upbeat preliminary review of the LifeDrive.

Of course, with a sensible alternative to the Tower of eBabel, things could be a little simpler for consumers and e-bookdom would have more worth bragging about.


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