“While the debate wages on regarding the impact of backpacks on school children, a recent study by the University of California Riverside determined that backpacks can in fact cause long-term pain for children who wear them. According to the study published in the Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics, the backpacks could be causing permanent back problems for the students. ‘This is truly alarming. Research has shown that adults with severe back problems often had pain as kids. You can suffer all your life from this kind of injury,’ said lead author Dr. David Siambaes.” – Study Links Long-Term Back Pain to Backpacks, in the September 8 issue of Ergonomics Today.

The TeleRead take: So what are we waiting for? Here’s to more use of e-books in schools. Of course, we are waiting for better technology and lower prices, but they will happen in time. Further details from Ergonomics Today:

In 2003, the state of New Jersey was the first in the nation to set up a commission specifically to study ergonomics in educational environments, and nationwide, school districts have started to consider alternatives to children lugging books to and from school, either by replacing heavy textbooks with electronic versions of books or by keeping an extra set of books specifically in the classroom while having children leave a copy of the book at their home for homework. Backpack manufacturers in particular have stressed the importance of purchasing a backpack that fits a child properly and ensuring that the backpack is worn as intended and packed in a manner that places the least impact on the wearer


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