EarthcoreScott Sigler did podcasts of his novel EarthCore, hoping to line up a publishing deal. As reported in if:book, he seems about to ink one with Dragon Moon Press. Fingers crossed! Hold it. Scott just did–congrats! Plot summary:

Deep below a desolate Utah mountain lies the largest platinum deposit ever discovered. A billion-dollar find, it waits for any company that can drill a world’s record, three-mile-deep mine shaft. EarthCore is the company with the technology, the resources and the guts to go after the mother lode. Young executive Connell Kirkland is the company’s driving force, pushing himself and those around him to uncover the massive treasure.

But at three miles below the surface, where the rocks are so hot they burn bare skin, something has been waiting for centuries. Waiting …and guarding. Kirkland and EarthCore are about to find out first-hand why this treasure has never been unearthed.


  1. […] TeleRead podcast on EarthCore Remember EarthCore, the world’s first podcast-only novel written by Scott Sigler? In her latest podcast (03:31mins), TeleRead’s Mrs Ranson-Polizzotti reflects on Scott’s podcast-to-p-book triumph and her own transitions. She raises one excellent question: Is the e-book a way to move away from print publishing or is it ultimately the print deal we are after? __________________ If you

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