Elizabeth Mackey is the new vice president and general manager of the Motricity‘s eReader division. From a news release:

Mackey brings a wealth of experience as a former executive of several leading publishers and media companies, including audio-book leader Audible, Inc. and Franklin Electronic Publishers. Her appointment is directly related to Motricity’s ongoing investment in strengthening its business-to-consumer market channel…


  1. Well, I guess you haven’t heard that when one of their best ereader.com customer care reps got pregnant and have severe life theatrening problems, they terminated her employment while she was in the Hositpal sick. Then when she tried to apply for her job again, The new VP of E-commerce said that she wasn’t a good fit. What kind of company hires women and then say that if you get pregnant you are out of here.
    I am the ladys friend that used to work there and I would never purchase anything from a company that gets rid of excellent employee’s or maybe it was because she was single and african american woman. Actually one of the first in the company.
    She was given the CEO-Mentality interview too.
    Shame on Motricity……………………..
    she’d too afraid to speak out but I am going to do it for her one day.

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