Wow. Already there’s another e-book reader being ported to the Internet Tablet 2005 version of Linux! That means the Nokia 770 of course (still reported as arriving “in the 3rd quarter of 2005.”)

The FBReader is an e-book reader built for the Sharp Zaurus, which runs an embedded version of Linux.

Here’s a link to a page showing screen captures of FBReader running in the Maemo development platform (and a sneak preview below).

Update: Alexander at mobileread pointed out that this material dates back to mid-July. Furthermore, the FBReader, or at least the port, appears to be the work of one of the Nokia 770’s developers. So maybe we’ll see font selection as a capability, as intimated in that dialog box screen capture.
FBReader on Nokia 770


  1. […] FBReader 0.6.3 to be ported for Nokia 770 Remember Misha’s post of last month regarding the e-book reader FBReader? Further down he mentioned that he had plans to spend some time on porting the reader to Gtk+ and subsequently add support for the Maemo platform. Teleread picked up the story today and welcoming the fact that the reader is being ported for the Nokia 770. __________________ I took a speed-reading course and read War and Peace in twenty minutes. It involves Russia. – Woody Allen […]

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