Hollywood is one of the biggest threats to copyright over the long term–given all the Draconian law that it’s bought from Washington via campaign donations.

Someday there may be a backlash, and the studio moguls won’t like it. TeleRead is pro-copyright. But copyright law needs to be more balanced and more sustainable than the kind discussed here and in J.D. Lasica’s new book Darknet.

With that in mind, I’ve registered HollywoodMoney.org in the hope that I can turn it over to a public interest group that will do the following:

1. Track political donations that Hollywood sends to politicians at all levels–and make this information available in a timely and accessible form via the Web. Remember, Hollywood has used state legislatures for some mischief involving recorded music.

2. Enlist the aid of local PTAs, library friends groups and other local organizations in educating the recipients of Hollywood donations who, as legislators, vote the Valenti way. I don’t mind pols simply getting Hollywood money; some of it may come for reasons unrelated to copyright. I do mind when they either vote for Sonny Bono-type legislation or wimp out on copyright matters despite billing themselves as “populists.” Hollywood-bought laws will cost schools, libraries and society at large many billions over the long run if the Jack Valentis prevail. Remember, these people want near-eternal copyright.

Any groups out there willing to act on the above proposal? I’m not expecting miracles here, but at least the opportunity is there for them, if they want the perfect domain name.

Meanwhile HollywoodMoney.org will point to copyright-related TeleBlog items.


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