image image When BlackBerry e-mail went down the other day, some resourceful people could still keep in touch with business associates, friends and family—via the Kindles they also happened to tote.

They could, at any rate, if they knew how to use their Kindles for e-mail. I’ve done so ever since I picked up a used Kindle 2 a few months ago for $170. At no charge, I can now enjoy a free BlackBerry, or at least the basic email function. Imagine, email in zillions of places without WiFi!

I just use the Kindle’s built-in Web browser—no wireless subscription charge—and call up Gmail. Mind you, in speed, this is a long way from a real BlackBerry, so my use is limited;  but this is a zillion times better than no mobile e-mail at all. Usually the Kindle even remembers my password. Alas, Amazon disabled the browser in some countries, but this is still a handy tip in case that changes.

Click on the left image for a more detailed screenshot from the Kindle, then read on for brief instructions. If you lack a Gmail account, it’s easy to set one up.

The “how”

From your Kindle’s Home screen, choose Menu and call up the Experimental functions, then the Web browser. Type, after using your Menu button again if a rectangle to enter Web addresses doesn’t show. If asked, tell Gmail you’re using a a mobile device. Enter your e-mail address and password information. Then you’ll see your inbox. You may also want to scroll down to see if your flavor of Gmail has a Basic HTML or mobile mode, which you can choose if you’re not already in one. After you’re happy with your Gmail setup, you can hit the Menu Button again and bookmark Gmail for further use. Do so while displaying your Gmail inbox.

I’d welcome additions or corrections to this hasty documentation. Also, see an old Computerworld article on the topic—it also discusses RSS-feed-reading and the Google calendar. Let me know how this works out for you, and if you have any problems.


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