In the Library of the Future, books will be linked to each other.

In the Library of the Future, when you’re reading Robert Graves’ “I, Claudius,” you’ll be able to switch to primary texts like Suetonius’ “Lives of the Caesars” or to contemporary histories. (OK, maybe you’ll do the switching when you’re re-reading Graves.)

Photo by Max Hirsch. Used by permission.

If you have ideas about what the Library of the Future will be like, please submit them. Photos must be yours or be authorized by the photographer, whom we’ll happily identify. You can reach me directly at first initial lastname at gmail.


  1. Well, as to a forum, that’s what these comments are intended for, at least in a shortish fashion.

    Alternatively, you may provide your own versions (perhaps more realistic, or more fanciful, as the case may be) of aspects of the future library that might contradict this vision and we can publish them (it) here at Teleread.

    This series is intended mostly to get people to think about the potential of electronicity in publishing, as opposed to what is practical and what is next.

    — Roger

  2. first, the structure of a blog doesn’t allow the type of freewheeling discussion i’d like to have. got listserve?

    second, while discussions are always good, because i love ideas, i also like to shore them up with evidence, in the form of working computer programs. the proof is in the pudding…

    keep thinking, though, i like to see it!


  3. roger said:
    > With a bow to “the right
    > tool/medium/technology
    > for the job,” I suggest
    > the Book People list

    i’ve been a bookpeople contributor for years.
    so we can talk over there anytime you want…

    but in thinking about it more, it seems to me
    the “right” tool for this job would be a _wiki_,
    since we can boil out the non-specific stuff and
    clear up the fuzzy and wrong-minded thinking,
    so people don’t have to wade through archives…


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