image When Will DeLamater borrows a library e-book but doesn’t finish it in 14 days, he can’t ever get the book going once more on his Sony Pocket Edition—even when he checks out the title again. See his comment, reporting his logical responses to the problem.  DRM gremlin? Apparently.

Thanks, Will D. Anyone else suffering? I’ll email OverDrive—the library vendor involved here—and see what’s up. Maybe OverDrive in turn can consult with Sony. Good luck to all in solving this one.


  1. I’ve been checking out library ebooks via Overdrive since mid-November. I’m not sure how Will DeLamater is transferring the ebooks onto his Sony Reader, but I will go ahead and share how I do it. I usually make sure that I download and open the library ebook using Adobe Digital Editions, not the Sony Reader Library Software. When I plug in my Sony Reader Pocket, the icon shows up on the left side of Adobe Digital Editions. I just drag the file over, and everything works fine. In regards to checking out the same book again, what I did was delete the book off my Sony Reader Pocket first before I moved the newly checked out library ebook over. I made note of where my last bookmark was so when I loaded up the file again I just have to go to that page again. I will try to re-check out a library book again as soon as my book expires and will make better note of what I did exactly to get the book to work.

    @Will: If you are reading this and haven’t found a solution, I won’t mind going through this with you. You can contact me

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