It's a jail, get it? Well, OK, a Marshall's Office anyway. (Taken at Red Oak II, Carthage, MO) It’s been possible to “jailbreak” (love that verbing of nouns) iPhones and iPod Touches for a long time (and recently, it was even declared legal), but I hadn’t known it was also possible to jailbreak the Kindle. This enables adding custom fonts, USB networking, or new screensavers, and who knows what else. The complete details are in a post on the Mobileread forums.

The post claims that the jailbreak will not interfere with adding future official software updates, but also notes a firmware bug has occasionally led to people losing their collections and having to re-download (so be sure you back up first if you plan to install it). As always, you proceed at your own risk when you jailbreak, so be sure you know what you’re doing if you plan to try it.

(Found via Engadget.)


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