Kobo_Logo.pngFrom the press release:

Kobo, a global leader in eReading with more than 3.7 million readers worldwide, announced today the launch of new and engaging features for popular social program Reading Life – on the free Kobo eReading app for iOS. Available for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch, the new 4.5 version is all about friends – users can now connect with their friends on Facebook to see what books they are reading, compare number of books read in Reading Life™ stats, view awards earned and much more.

The latest release includes the full friends feature set, allowing users to:

See the books friends have read and ask them for recommendations
See the books in common
Compare Reading Life awards
Compare and measure progress with friends through Reading Life stats, including the number of books read, time read and more
Invite friends to join on Kobo via Facebook or email

Other new features include navigational enhancements – users can now swipe left to right with one finger to easily navigate their library shelves and use a two-fingered swipe to open and close the library edit menu.


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