20100331_0556-221x300.jpgThe new scanner, made by book2net, is the only one of its kind in the US, but there are others in Canada at two other locations. The machine, originally designed for use in the reading rooms of the British Library, was manufactured in Germany. It can capture a JPEG image of an entire newspaper page (or comic book, folio, book, bound volume, etc.) in 0.3 seconds, and it needs only 1.9 seconds of cycling time to scan another page.

The scanner has a touchscreen that allows a person to view details close-up, and all it takes to scan a page is a touch of a single button. Full-color images can then be easily saved to a USB flash drive. It easily captures text on creases in pages or in places where tight binding prevents traditional copying.

More info and pictures here. Thanks to Resource Shelf for the tip.


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