color.jpgXconomy Boston as quite a lengthy interview with E Ink’s  new CEO, T. H. Peng and Sriram Peruvemba, their VP of Marketing. A few highlights follow.

PVI will triple capacity this year and this is after a 5X capacity increase so current production will be 15 times their 2008 production. They currently have over 100 job openings in 37 different categories.

Most of their shipping products are into the e-publishing space and they hope textbooks will increase. In terms of volume the largest areas are small segmented displays for things like wristwatches and smartphones.

They are working on color versions which should hit the market at the end of this year and the beginning of next. Hanvon, a Chinese company, will be designing a color e-ink reader using PVI’s technology and it will be delivered in early 2011.


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