This is the other case that M-edge send me, and it has now become my standard Kindle case. As you can see the Kindle is held in at all four corners and no longer do I have to add a strip of velcro the the back of the Kindle to keep it secure in the original case. The top right corner is actually an elastic band, and this enables you to remove and insert the Kindle into the case easily.

The left hand side has 5 pockets: 2 for SD cards, 2 business card sized and one larger pocket, into which I have placed a flexible Moleskine pad. There is also a pen loop – great idea.

As you can see the case comes in a number of different colors. The leather has a quality feel, the stitching is excellent and it folds nicely so you can hold the Kindle by the left edge of the case, just like on the original. I really like the ability to have a pen and Moleskine handy for note taking. The case is on sale for $44.99 ($10 off) and they also have another non-leather version on sale for $29.99 ($10 off).


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