Next week Margaret Atwood will be signing books at the London Book Fair … from the comfort of her Canadian home. That’s London, United Kingdom; not London, Ontario. So says Mobuzz TV. Atwood, author of The Handmaid’s Tale and of The Blind Assassin, will be using a telautograph, a device that sounds absolutely space age, but actually precedes the fax machine and was invented in the nineteenth century. Talk about steam punk!


  1. i used to fix those machines for a now extinct company (telautograph). i can’t believe anyone found a working model(s). go figure, they are h g wells era industry/techno, and yes, almost steam powered…
    i should have kept a couple just to play with…but then again, for what they do, the tele-writer has not been replaced, there is nothing else like it. it will reproduce ones actual long hand writing at any distance, in ink, some day, like like an old raymond massey movie, it will return.

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